Friday: Classes done. Plans made. Prepping to walk out the door. Oh what's that? A phone call? Hey Anna Eisenbraun! Say what?! Flaming Lips tickets? Yes, I accept your overwhelming generosity.
Friday Take Two: Classes done. Plans cancelled. Adventure to the Flaming Lips concert ON!
My life is awesome, and I'm sorry, mostly to myself, that I have not written down the situations and happenstances that have made it that way for such a long time. Oh well, here's one experience that will not be lost in the abyss of my memory.
This semester was like many others. It ended with some serious procrastination. Lately my avenue of procrastination has been watching countless numbers of MGMT interviews on Youtube. The attitude of these guys resides closely to my own, or at least that's how I perceive it while I stare blankly at the idiotbox. This attitude that resinates with me is one of no bullshit, just honesty, brevity, and beauty. They aren't rude to people, but also aren't schmoozers. They keep their answers short and clear, are sometimes goofy and sometimes psychedelic.
Anyway, that's the kind of attitude I put forth during finals. What I mean to say is that I treated finals for what they are: the pain in the ass that cause students way too much anxiety. I realized that I've gotten through the finals process too many times to let myself freak out yet again. Instead I figured stressful studying was going to get me the same grade I would get without the anxiety. Rather I set my mind toward the psychedelic, and instead of studying for countless hours, I made plans for some great creative strides. Enter Art-Cult. (Oh yeah, I can't tell you about that, only that it's a cult for art where the only death is the death of inhibitions.)
When it came to my first final on Friday all that was going through my mind was MGMT music, and then for some reason Brittany Spears' "Circus." Jump to that evening just before the psychedelic Flaming Lips show, I'm eating at a Subway with my best bud Caitlin who I had told about the odd mixture of songs running through my head that morning, and what else should start playing but Brittany Spears' "Circus." Sure this is a popular radio hit, but at the time I had not heard it for at least two weeks because I had no car and therefore no radio to listen to. The fact that it popped into my head during an accounting final felt bizzarre to me, and therefore when it started to play that evening, right after making the spontaneous choice to venture to this concert, hearing it felt like a clue that I was on the right path. Possibly a path to great psychedelic adventures.
This is how I choose to look at my life. Like it's something incredible and mysterious.