Thursday, January 15, 2009

My first contribution

Greetings friends,

Since I find myself such a big fan of reading the blogs of friends and others, like those who can teach me how to cook or show me how to make that thing Martha Stuart had on the cover of her last magazine, I decided it is my turn to make a contribution. Now this is not to say that my contribution to the world of blogging will be anything exceptional compaired to the blogs of others, but hell who cares...I should really just say "I can have a blog, so I will have a blog." That is basically the summation of my logic. However, in addition to that simple minded statement I am excited to see what other's have to write about, since it was the enjoyment I took in reading the blogs of friends that encouraged me to create my own.

Today I will share a funny encounter my sister eagerly called to tell me about. She was walking with a friend when a member of Green Peace stopped them with the line "Do you have a minute for the enviroment?" to which her friend replied, "Do you have a cigarrette? Because if you have a cigarrette I have a minute." "Uhh, no," answered Green Peace slightly rattled by the abrupt reply he was not prepared for. "Well then I have to go spend my minute finding someone who I can bum a cigarrette from." Ironic, isn't it?

Life can be it's own entertainment, depending of course on how amusable you are.

1 comment:

  1. Some of my favorite amusements are "life's own," as you have termed them. I can name two of the most recent right here:

    1. "Sometimes I just don't understand how she can make those choices."
    2. "He has very flirtatious eyeballs!"

    I can't wait for soup--and grapefruit for breakfast! :)
