I haven't written a blog in a very long time, but thanks to conversation with some beautiful friends last night it feels like a worthy task for today. If you know me, which I'm sure you do, you know that the crowd I surround myself with is typically older than me by at least 2 years if not more. Certainly I have equally as delightful and valuable friends my age and younger, but the commonality of my being around those who are older occupies a noticeable amount of my time...and I love that. Here's why:
Last night I was graciously invited to the "Memorial Day Argentinian BBQ" hosted by Kate and Adrian, two outstanding people who are going to be sensational as husband and wife come June 13th. The event was filled with high spirits, satisfied stomachs, enchanting conversation and a little dancing at the end. For the most part I was familiar with everyone there except for two: Issac, a friend of a friend who works at a gallery and is soon on his way to a new life in Hungry, and another woman who was absolutely sweet, but whom I didn't get very well aquainted. At one point, on the smokey back porch, Issac, trying to figure out who I was, other than the kind of quiet girl who seemed nice enough to offer a cigarette to, asked "So you're a sophmore?" He had gathered this much information about me from someone else. I replied honestly to the question with an insecure "Yep," which he took as sounding offended and came back with "Oh so you're a senior?" To that everyone joined me in assuring him that "No, he was right the first time" and I appoligized for sounding offended. Then, in order to redeem my presence amongst all of the college graduates, my close friend Kristina chimed in "Sarah's an old soul."
I was touched to be frank (and nerdy), but the thing is that I'm not so sure my soul is old at all. I think my soul might appear that way only because of what it has gathered from the souls I surround myself with. I guess I feel like it has been my privilage to be embraced by such beautiful people who's wisdom I deeply appreciate.
Is that Woman Farting Flowers?